Add Emojis to Captions

Want to add a touch of personality and fun to your videos? Emojis can help you do just that! ClipMagic makes it easy to incorporate emojis into your captions. Let's dive in and learn how.

Step-by-Step Guide.

  1. Access Captions:
    • Once your video is loaded, click on the "Captions" tab located on the left side of your dashboard.
  2. Select Your Clip:
    • Choose the specific video clip where you want to add emojis. This will open the clip for editing.

  1. Use Magic Emojis:
    • Easily add emojis to your captions by clicking the "Magic Emojis" button, which automatically suggests emojis based on your caption text.

    • You can also customize the number of emojis per caption using the "Words (per caption)" setting, allowing you to select from 1 to 5 words.

    • To remove unwanted automatically generated emojis, click the trashcan icon located next to the paintbrush icon within each video clip. Alternatively, to delete all emojis from the entire video, you can click the "Delete Emojis" button. This button will appear after clicking the "Magic Emojis" button. A small pop-up window will then ask for confirmation with the message: "All emojis will be deleted (this action cannot be undone). Do you want to proceed?"

  1. Manual Emoji Placement:
    • For precise emoji placement, click the smiley face icon on the selected clip.

    • A window will appear displaying various emoji options.

    • Choose from various emoji options displayed in the pop-up window.
      • Position: Choose where the emoji should be placed (Top or Bottom).

      • Animation: Apply an animation effect by selecting from 'fade', 'scale', 'horizontal', 'vertical', or 'swing'.

    • Delete: Remove the emoji if needed by clicking the trashcan icon.

  1. Save Changes:
  • Once you've finished adding and customizing emojis, your changes will be saved automatically.

Adding emojis to your captions is a simple yet effective way to enhance your videos. With ClipMagic's user-friendly interface, you can easily create engaging and visually appealing content. Experiment with different emoji combinations to find the perfect style for your videos.


  • Experiment with different emoji combinations to find the perfect look for your video.
  • Use emojis to enhance the tone and message of your captions.
  • Consider the target audience when selecting emojis.

By following these steps and incorporating the tips, you can elevate your video editing game and connect with your audience on a new level.

Feel free to contact us at for any assistance, or simply click the chat icon located at the bottom right corner of this page.

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