Optimize Your Video

The "Optimize" feature enhances your content with automatically generated elements, including a magic hook, magic description, and tags to boost engagement and discoverability. Additionally, you can add branding or watermarks to personalize and protect your videos.

In this article, we will tackle the following features in ClipMagic:

  1. Magic Hook Title
  2. Magic Description & Tags
  3. Branding / Watermark

Magic Hook Title

  • To get started, open your existing project or create a new project. Then click on "Optimize" in the left menu.

  • The first option you will see is the "Magic Hook Title". By default, it is toggled off. Toggle it on and additional settings will appear.

  • As soon as you enable the Magic Hook Title, you will see that a text will appear on your canvas. ClipMagic will generate a hook for your video. No worries! The hook can be edited.

  • To change the font, click the Font icon next to the text. You can then select your preferred font from the available options. Next to the Font icon, you’ll find the Color icon, which allows you to adjust the font color.

  • ClipMagic also has presets that you can use for your hook.

  • You can also adjust the following features for your hook:
    1. Duration - Adjust the duration of your hook by moving the slider. The slider can be moved from 0.5 seconds to 10 seconds.
    2. Box color - Change or adjust the background color of your hook.
    3. Emoji - Change or remove the emoji displayed along with your hook.

  • Magic Hook Title Advanced Settings - Here, you can modify your magic hook more by adjusting other options such as:
    • Emoji Scale - Adjust the size of the emoji you added to your magic hook.
    • Emoji Spacing - Adjust the space between your magic hook and emoji.
    • Background Radius - Adjust the background radius of your magic hook.
    • Line Spacing - Adjust the line spacing between your magic hook.
    • Animation Type - Choose between None, Fade, and Scale for the animation of your magic hook.
    • Padding Horizontal - Adjust the horizontal padding of your magic hook.
    • Padding Vertical - Adjust the vertical padding of your magic hook.
  • Regenerate Hook - Clicking this button prompts ClipMagic to automatically generate a new hook, offering fresh and engaging content for your video.

Magic Description & Tags

The Magic Description & Tags feature automatically generates a tailored description and relevant tags for your video. This saves time while optimizing your content for better visibility and engagement, helping your video reach a wider audience with minimal effort.

  • To use this feature, enable the Magic Description & Tags toggle.

  • Once it is enabled, ClipMagic will generate a description and tags for your video. You can choose between a Long Version or a Short Version for this.

  • If you're satisfied with the Magic Description & Tags for your video, just click the Copy button. Once copied, you can easily paste it into your video description or posts on social media platforms

  • In case you'd like to have a new description and tags for your video, simply click the Regenerate Description & Tags button. ClipMagic will then generate new description and tags for you.

Branding / Watermark

The Branding/Watermark feature allows you to add your logo or custom watermark to your videos, ensuring your content is easily recognizable and protected. This enhances your brand presence across platforms.

  • To add a branding or watermark to your video, enable the toggle for this option.

  • Hover your mouse/cursor to the ClipMagic logo and then click on Change Logo. This will prompt you to add your desired image to be used as a branding or watermark for your video.

  • Once that's done, you can change the Opacity of the logo you uploaded by moving the slider if you prefer.

  • Additionally, you can also move or resize the uploaded logo by clicking it on the canvas. Once clicked, you can move it around or resize it.

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