Caption Box

Customizing your captions is an essential step in enhancing the visual appeal of your video. In ClipMagic, the Caption Box feature allows you to fine-tune the appearance and behavior of your captions, ensuring they align with your video’s overall style. This guide will walk you through the steps to access and customize the Caption Box, providing you with the tools to create professional-quality captions.

Step-by-Step Instruction for Accessing the Caption Box in ClipMagic

  1. Access Your Video:

    • Start a New Project: Begin by creating a new video project in ClipMagic.

    • Open Existing Project: If you're editing an existing video, open it in the ClipMagic editor.

  1. Navigate to the Design Tab:

    • After opening your project, the dashboard will display options such as Design, Caption, Video Style, Music, Call To Action, and Publish.

    • Click on the "Design" tab.

  1. Go to the Advanced Tab:

    • Within the Design tab, you'll see options for Presets, Settings, and Advanced.

    • Click on the "Advanced" tab.

  1. Access the Caption Box:

    • In the Advanced tab, you will find options including Highlight, Scaling, Caption Box, Background, and Other.

    • Click on "Caption Box."

  1. Customize Caption Box Settings:
    • After selecting the Caption Box, a drop-down menu will appear with several customization options:

      • Mode: Choose from None, Word, or Bounce to set how the caption box interacts with your text.

      • Color: Select different colors for your caption box to match your video’s theme.

      • Animation Duration: Adjust the animation duration from 0s to 1s to control how quickly your caption box appears or disappears.

      • Animation Ease: Choose from the following easing options: Linear, Power1 In, Power1 Out, Power1 InOut, Power2 In, Power2 Out, Power2 InOut to create smooth transitions.
        • Please note: The "Animation Ease" option becomes available only when you select the "Word" option under the "Mode" setting.

      • Padding Left/Right: Adjust the padding from 0px to 20px to control the spacing on the left and right sides of the caption box.

      • Padding Up/Down: Adjust the padding from 0px to 20px to control the spacing on the top and bottom of the caption box.

      • Radius: Adjust the corner radius from 0px to 40px to create rounded or sharp edges.

        Apply Your Settings:

    • After customizing your Caption Box settings, review your changes to ensure they enhance the visual appeal of your video. Apply the changes to finalize your settings.

By following these steps, you can effectively customize the Caption Box in ClipMagic, allowing your captions to seamlessly blend with the overall design of your video. Remember, attention to detail in your caption settings can significantly elevate the quality of your content.


  • Consistency is Key: Ensure that the colors and styles of your caption box are consistent with your video’s theme.
  • Use Animation Sparingly: Overusing animation can be distracting, so apply it thoughtfully to maintain viewer focus.
  • Test Different Settings: Experiment with various padding and radius settings to achieve the perfect look for your captions.
  • Preview Before Finalizing: Always preview your video after making adjustments to ensure that the captions appear as intended.

By applying these tips, you can create captions that not only look great but also enhance the overall viewing experience for your audience.

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